Dec 12, 2017

Diamond Microdermabrasion

The Fresh Face of Diamond Microdermabrasion.

Most of us have tried an at-home exfoliation technique and come away from it feeling underwhelmed. Promise Aesthetics has a far superior option; Diamond-Microdermabrasion, one of the best non-invasive procedures Promise Clinic has to offer. The clinicians use a gentle stream of crystals to buff away your top layer of dull, dead skin revealing a healthy, youthful glow.

Our equipment is more powerful and precise than any at-home exfoliation system could ever be. Only medical grade microdermabrasion systems are used to ensure the safest experience and best results possible. It is a quick, safe and effective way to achieve smoother, healthier looking skin.

عيادة بروميس استيتك تقدم لكم أفضل الإجراءات أمانا و فعالية في مجال خدمات الجلدية والتجميل

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بارك سنتر مردف، الطابق الأول،
دبي، الإمارات ا لعربية المتحدة، صندوق البريد ​​410816